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⚠️ COVID-19 UPDATE April 28th, 2021

As the two week lock down for Nova Scotia begins, we are currently open as per usual.

As of Wednesday April 28th, we will be asking anybody who has travelled to HRM in the last 14 days to reschedule your non-urgent appointment.

We will also be asking clients to reschedule non-urgent appointments if they have been to any of the locations of potential Covid-19 exposures.

We will continue to ask that if you are feeling ill, to please reschedule your non-urgent appointments for 14 days.

There is a strict limit to only 2 people in the reception area at a time.

If we are at capacity we ask you to start a line outside and respect the 6 feet social distancing.

We also have a limit of 1 person coming into the exam room with your pet.

Everyone entering the building must wear a mask.

As we have already been practicing, please call ahead when you arrive for an appointment, and wait for the technician to call you to come in.

We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we get through this together!

Any further updates will be shared on Facebook and on our website!

Stay safe!

We are open regular hours.
Monday to Thursday 8-7, Friday 8-5, Saturday 8-12.

Due to the overwhelming demand for appointments after being closed for Covid-19, please expect longer than usual wait times.
We are working as quickly and efficiently as possible, while giving each pet the time they need/deserve.

Animal hospitals also have the duty of taking on emergencies on top of our regular scheduled appointments.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding. If you would like to pay for retail or seasonal medications over the phone, we can get those ready for you. Otherwise, we can help you in getting those items in person when you come in. As always, thank you for calling ahead for refill prescriptions.